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Showing posts from 2019

Connections between my worlds

I received the most hilarious connection request on LinkedIn the other day – Hey Mitali, LinkedIn suggested we connect so who am I to stand in the way of their algorithm? “Fair enough”, I replied and we both agreed that we cannot argue with LinkedIn. It cheered me up in an instant and got me thinking about how apps like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram come up with suggestions to build connections. Upon some researching, I learnt that LinkedIn uses complex search engines, our profile activities, commonalities between other members etc. to send us recommendations. Similarly, other social media platforms I’m sure have a dedicated team of tech savvy professionals who are continuously working hard to create such algorithms, for a living. Most of our present-day social media also seem to have a pretty clear and straightforward company mission - to connect everybody in the world. The definition of connecting has evolved, and we now have more avenues to connect than ever before. But on the do...

Horrors of PTM meetings

Sketch by Poonam Munshi   Imagine you’re in Africa in a wild safari…embarking on the adventure of a lifetime as you explore the spectacular wildlife. Majestic and beautiful creatures, looking at you from their herd with curiosity. You spot some really colorful and bright stripes that stand out. The giraffe with its long slender neck reaching out to the tallest branches, their bright brown spots and each with their unique pattern, so gracefully meandering through the African grasslands, with confidence and elegance. The giraffe is said to symbolize grace, peace, individuality and farsightedness. You spot a zebra, with its unique blend of black and white stripes which instantly remind me of Marty from Madagascar, whose humor cracks you up in the movie. Likewise, there will be many others like the African elephants, rhinoceros, impalas, buffaloes and so on, each with a unique set of characteristics and behavior. Now imagine our kids in a school playground. Each of the...

Nishkaam Karma (selfless action)

Story: Mitali Handique  |   Sketch: Poonam Munshi Yogah Karmasu Kausalam – these words stood with me from the many words that my father said during his yoga classes at our small recreational club in the campus, where he taught Yoga for free to whoever showed up at 5 in the morning. It means - Yoga is dexterity in action. The dexterity is bound to keep one ready for action in a relaxed attitude and efficiency is the outcome of all such actions performed. It talks about complete focus and dedication to action without thinking about the results – something that is the principal message of the Bhagawad Gita. Even in our day-to-day lives, we often find ourselves questioning our self-worth because we are too worried about the outcomes- what will people say or think and even before trying out any idea, we just abandon it. The Bhagawad Gita is based on the conversation between Arjun, the great archer and leader of the Pandavas and Lord Krishna. Arjun’s mind is overcome by...

Pixie Cut

Welcome to the tiny little wall of my 1 bedroom apartment, where I am perched on top of a window sill on a rainy Friday night, trying to breathe in that earthy smell left by the rains. The roof’s a bit leaky from last night’s showers, something I cannot be bothered with on a Friday night. My roommate is out of town and it’s just me and my favourite day of the week and time to kill. I’m pro caffeinating, for roomie’s not here tonight for our usual evening coffee. So I make myself a hot chocolate and pick up the dusty old photo album that I had already gone over several times. I’m a little old school when it comes to photographs, I like to be able to look at them whenever I feel like and without having to frisk through a computer. A hot chocolate and half a packet of chips later, I realize that after all, it’s not that bad being home alone. We are always spending so much time filling our days with activities that finding downtime is fleeting. And I’m the kind of person who likes to ...

The Portal

Painting by my artist friend Samudra Sarma | Instagram: samudra246 Recent events in my life has made me a deep thinker, some stargazer of sorts. Life is still good, don’t get me wrong. I’m a huge believer by default and if something goes wrong, I tell myself- the universe is listening, and it will all come together in the end. Life’s been a good teacher and trying to settle in a foreign land has been another adventure. My life here is a mystery that unveils every single day and there is no room for weakness. I’m done with pessimism, skepticism and all sorts of unconstructive opinions and people that feed their soul on negativity – these are contagious and the minute you stand too close to them they eventually always get to you. I try and stay in touch with my friends back in home as much as possible, social media is a big blessing that way. However, I do try to keep a clarity and limitation with my time spent on scrolling through things. Sure, it's easy to make fun of ...


I haven’t seen something this beautiful in a long time, your freshness almost hauntingly beautiful and unreal. As I stare and admire your beauty, my mind wanders to the shadow of the trees that reflect on your pristine waters.  It’s as if I’m secretly wishing the reflection of my soul is as perfect and flawless. I seriously doubt that though- unlike you oh nature, we are all too flawed and blemished. Not as much by our outer appearances as by the baggages we carry within...and yet you provide so selflessly for thousands who need you- be it a helpless bird seeking to quench its thirst or a weary traveller looking to escape a hot summer just have something to share with everyone, yet I hardly ever stop to admire your beauty, without being distracted by other mindless things that don't matter much...I hope someday I can be as selfless as you are and my soul reflects the same beauty you inspired in me today...